In this case, you will have to manually enter the server name. Note: If your Exchange server configuration does not support Auto Discovery, verification will fail, saying it could not validate your account. Your iPad will begin verifying your email configuration. For Fastmetrics email customers unsure about this email account info, please contact Tech Support. If you’re unsure about any of the above information, your company System Administrator should be able to help you. Note: Replace “yourname” with your actual user name, and replace “” with your actual domain name.

Note: The below options will also be displayed if you tap the blue and white Mail icon from the home screen of your iPad, without having an email account configured. Step 2: Tap the Microsoft Exchange icon, or your email account type.

Mail, Contacts, Calendars will be highlighted in blue as shown below. Step 1: Tap the Settings icon from the home screen, then Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Setup My Email On My iPad: iPad Email Setup In 5 Steps For other email accounts, such as Gmail or Yahoo, iPad email setup instructions are highly similar. Why Microsoft Exchange? We work with many clients who use Microsoft Outlook with our business hosted email service, so this post serves as a useful guide for them.

Below we have provided the 5 steps necessary to setup your iPad email, using Microsoft Exchange as the default option. How do I setup my email on my iPad? It’s a simple and quick process.
Learn: How To Setup Email On The Apple iPad